As you well know Air Max 90 Blanche Grossiste , getting a good listing on the search engines can really help get some good, quality traffic to your site.
But how do you get a good listing? That's the million dollar question.
Rather than explain how search engines select the top sites or how to trick them into listing your site in the top 10, let's learn some of the facts about search engines.
Now in case you're wondering why I don't just give you the 'magic' formula or algorithm for getting a good search engine placement I'll give you:
Fact Number 1: Search engines change their formula frequently in an attempt to keep quality sites at the top of the listing. They do this because of all the attempts to 'trick' or 'fool' them and Air Max 90 Noir Grossiste , to stay popular with their users, they need to list the most relevant sites first.
Fact Number 2: Every search engine has it's own formula for determining the sites and the ordering of the sites it will list. And even though they all use many of the same factors in their formulas, there is no 1 formula that will work for all of them.
As for giving you some of the tricks that others have tried to use to get good search engine placement Air Max 90 Grossiste France , I'll just say that the tricks that have worked in the past like using misleading meta tag keywords and embedding hidden keywords don't work today and the new tricks like creating lots of 'spam' sites using automatic search engine page creators won't be working much longer.
Fact Number 3: Search engine owners know the tricks being used and develop ways to filter them out.
Now that you know that there is no 1 'magic' formula and using a 'trick' won't work for long, you should also know:
Fact Number 4: Search engines do 'black list' sites they consider 'spam' and block them from being listed.
Because of all the articles and products about Google, you may think that Google has become the search engine of choice. And while Google is gaining in popularity Air Max 90 Grossiste Pas Cher ,
Fact Number 5: Google still hasn't captured Yahoo's number 1 position.
Even though Google isn't number 1,
Fact Number 6: Using 'good advice' on how to improve your Google position will also help you with your placement on Yahoo and many other search engines.
Some of 'good advice' for getting a good position is to have a site with good content and to use your keywords within your content. But the web has become so big that there are now thousands, even hundreds of thousands Soldes Air Max 90 Grossiste , of pages competing for the same keywords.
Because of this explosion in the number of pages available for generic keyword searches,
Fact Number 7: Search engine users are now adding more descriptive terms in their searches.
Another fact that most people don't realize about search engines is that:
Fact Number 8: Search engines don't rank or list web sites, they rank and list web pages. That means every page of your site has the potential to be listed if you set it up properly.
Fact Number 9: Search engines use their own traffic tracking information to help determine which sites to list. If they see that they have a top site that continually gets visited for a brief amount of time and the searchers usually come back and continue looking, the search engine may determine the site is of little value and either move it down on the list or remove it.
The last fact isn't really about search engines but has been included to help you measure your progress as you work to improve your search engine positions.
A couple of terms you've probably seen many times are "Google Page Rank (PR)" and "Alexa Traffic Ranking". While both measure different things,
Fact Number 10: Google PR and Alexa Traffic Ranking are 2 of the best indicators on how well your search engine optimization work is going. Improving your Google PR and your Alexa Traffic Ranking can help you get a better search engine position.
How to Write Quality Articles in 30 Minutes Marketing Articles | October 13 Nike Air Max 90 Grossiste , 2007 Writing quality articles is a process.? Read this article to learn how you too can write traffic-building articles in 30 minutes!
The power of article marketing is well documented.? Not only is it a great way to get quality one-way inbound links to your website, but it also gives the author a way of targeting specific keyword phrases by putting their author resource link on those keywords rather than the name of the website.? And beyond all that, articles are actually read by real human beings and give authors an opportunity to demonstrate their expertise directly to their target audience.
Even with this proven track record Air Max 90 Grossiste , article marketing can still be done with little or no money.? Indeed, distribution services exist but even those are extremely inexpensive.? No, article marketing doesn?t take money.? I just takes time.? Even for the best authors , writing a quality article takes time and the submission process does as well.
The trick is to create an outline for your articles before you sit down to write any of them.? Think about all the little facets in your business.? Think about all the tiny little topics you could address in a short article.? Write all these topics down and strive to put 3 or 4 bullet points under each topic.? These bullet points could identify 3 strategies or 3 steps or 3 reasons supporting the underlying topic.