us, while the hair color and length are of secondary importance. Nevertheless, they also have their preferences with the latter and, as we have now learned, there is a hair length that most types find surprisingly rather unattractive. We'll tell you now what it is and why this is so ... Men find this hair length unattractive to us
For most women, it has been the ideal of lacewigsbuy beauty since childhood: a long mane, like that of our favorite doll, that can be styled in many different ways so that you can experiment with it again and again. Although short hairstyles have been extremely popular again for some time and numerous celebrity ladies are opting for the bob cut, pixie cut or short bob, a long mane is still considered the symbol of femininity - Kim Kardashian, Beyoncé and co , Or isn't it? We have to differentiate here when it comes to men: because it seems there is a clear limit for them - while they find a healthy and full mane extremely sexy, this does not apply to long hair that goes all the way to the bottom enough and also don't have a proper cut.